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Get the results of a race.





Character. Race ID. Find by calling get_competition().


A data.frame. One athlete per row. The first block of variables contains information about the event.


#> # A tibble: 105 × 61
#>    RaceId        IsSta…¹ IsRes…² Comp.…³ Comp.…⁴ Comp.…⁵ Comp.…⁶ Comp.…⁷
#>    <chr>         <lgl>   <lgl>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>     <int> <chr>  
#>  1 BT2223SWRLCP… FALSE   TRUE    BT2223… 10      SM      SP           11 Final  
#>  2 BT2223SWRLCP… FALSE   TRUE    BT2223… 10      SM      SP           11 Final  
#>  3 BT2223SWRLCP… FALSE   TRUE    BT2223… 10      SM      SP           11 Final  
#>  4 BT2223SWRLCP… FALSE   TRUE    BT2223… 10      SM      SP           11 Final  
#>  5 BT2223SWRLCP… FALSE   TRUE    BT2223… 10      SM      SP           11 Final  
#>  6 BT2223SWRLCP… FALSE   TRUE    BT2223… 10      SM      SP           11 Final  
#>  7 BT2223SWRLCP… FALSE   TRUE    BT2223… 10      SM      SP           11 Final  
#>  8 BT2223SWRLCP… FALSE   TRUE    BT2223… 10      SM      SP           11 Final  
#>  9 BT2223SWRLCP… FALSE   TRUE    BT2223… 10      SM      SP           11 Final  
#> 10 BT2223SWRLCP… FALSE   TRUE    BT2223… 10      SM      SP           11 Final  
#> # … with 95 more rows, 52 more variables: Comp.HasLiveData <lgl>,
#> #   Comp.IsLive <lgl>, Comp.StartTime <chr>, Comp.Description <chr>,
#> #   Comp.ShortDescription <chr>, Comp.Location <chr>, Comp.HasAnalysis <lgl>,
#> #   Comp.NrShootings <int>, Comp.NrSpareRounds <int>,
#> #   Comp.HasSpareRounds <lgl>, Comp.PenaltySeconds <int>, Comp.NrLegs <int>,
#> #   Comp.LocalUTCOffset <int>, Event.SeasonId <chr>, Event.EventId <chr>,
#> #   Event.StartDate <chr>, Event.EndDate <chr>, Event.Description <chr>, …