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Get detailed schedule of competitions





Character. Event ID. Find by calling get_events().


A data.frame.


get_competition(get_events("1819", "1")$EventId[1])
#> # A tibble: 8 × 25
#>   RaceId      km    catId Disci…¹ Statu…² Statu…³ Sched…⁴ Resul…⁵ HasLi…⁶ IsLive
#>   <chr>       <chr> <chr> <chr>     <int> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <lgl>   <lgl> 
#> 1 BT1819SWRL… ""    MX    SR           11 Final   FINISH… OFFICI… FALSE   FALSE 
#> 2 BT1819SWRL… "2x6… MX    RL           11 Final   FINISH… OFFICI… FALSE   FALSE 
#> 3 BT1819SWRL… "20"  SM    IN           11 Final   FINISH… OFFICI… FALSE   FALSE 
#> 4 BT1819SWRL… "15"  SW    IN           11 Final   FINISH… OFFICI… FALSE   FALSE 
#> 5 BT1819SWRL… "10"  SM    SP           11 Final   FINISH… OFFICI… FALSE   FALSE 
#> 6 BT1819SWRL… "7.5" SW    SP           11 Final   FINISH… OFFICI… FALSE   FALSE 
#> 7 BT1819SWRL… "12.… SM    PU           11 Final   FINISH… OFFICI… FALSE   FALSE 
#> 8 BT1819SWRL… "10"  SW    PU           11 Final   FINISH… OFFICI… FALSE   FALSE 
#> # … with 15 more variables: StartTime <chr>, Description <chr>,
#> #   ShortDescription <chr>, Location <chr>, HasAnalysis <lgl>, StartMode <chr>,
#> #   NrShootings <int>, NrSpareRounds <int>, HasSpareRounds <lgl>,
#> #   PenaltySeconds <int>, NrLegs <int>, ShootingPositions <chr>,
#> #   LocalUTCOffset <int>, RSC <chr>, GenderOrder <chr>, and abbreviated
#> #   variable names ¹​DisciplineId, ²​StatusId, ³​StatusText, ⁴​ScheduleStatus,
#> #   ⁵​ResultStatus, ⁶​HasLiveData