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Get schedule of events per season.


get_events(season_id, level = 0)



Character. Indicating the season by the last two digits of two following years, e.g. "1819" for 2018-2019.


Integer. Indicates the Cup level.

  • 0: All.

  • 1: World Cup.

  • 2: IBU Cup.

  • 3: Junior Cup.

  • 4: Other.


A data.frame.


get_events("2223", "1")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 21
#>    SeasonId Trimester EventId    Start…¹ EndDate First…² Descr…³ Event…⁴ Short…⁵
#>    <chr>    <chr>     <chr>      <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1 2223     1         BT2223SWR… 2022-1… 2022-1… 2022-1… BMW IB… "1 "    Kontio…
#>  2 2223     1         BT2223SWR… 2022-1… 2022-1… 2022-1… BMW IB… "2 "    Hochfi…
#>  3 2223     1         BT2223SWR… 2022-1… 2022-1… 2022-1… BMW IB… "3 "    Annecy…
#>  4 2223     2         BT2223SWR… 2023-0… 2023-0… 2023-0… BMW IB… "4 "    Poklju…
#>  5 2223     2         BT2223SWR… 2023-0… 2023-0… 2023-0… BMW IB… "5 "    Ruhpol…
#>  6 2223     2         BT2223SWR… 2023-0… 2023-0… 2023-0… BMW IB… "6 "    Anthol…
#>  7 2223     3         BT2223SWR… 2023-0… 2023-0… 2023-0… BMW IB… ""      Oberhof
#>  8 2223     3         BT2223SWR… 2023-0… 2023-0… 2023-0… BMW IB… "7 "    Nove M…
#>  9 2223     3         BT2223SWR… 2023-0… 2023-0… 2023-0… BMW IB… "8 "    Oester…
#> 10 2223     3         BT2223SWR… 2023-0… 2023-0… 2023-0… BMW IB… "9 "    Oslo H…
#> # … with 12 more variables: Altitude <chr>, OrganizerId <chr>, Organizer <chr>,
#> #   Nat <chr>, NatLong <chr>, EventClassificationId <chr>, Level <int>,
#> #   UTCOffset <int>, IsActual <lgl>, IsCurrent <lgl>, EventStatusId <int>,
#> #   EventStatus <chr>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​StartDate,
#> #   ²​FirstCompetitionDate, ³​Description, ⁴​EventSeriesNr, ⁵​ShortDescription