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Search for athletes by name.


search_athletes(family_name, given_name = NULL)



Character. Family name.


Character. First name. Default is NULL.


A data.frame. Listing all matches.


#> # A tibble: 10 × 12
#>    IBUId       Famil…¹ Given…² Short…³ NAT   NF    Birth…⁴   Age Gende…⁵ Funct…⁶
#>    <chr>       <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr> <chr> <chr>   <int> <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1 BTNOR11605… BOE     Johann… BOE J.… NOR   NOR   1993-0…    29 M       Athlete
#>  2 BTNOR12907… BOE     Tarjei  BOE T.  NOR   NOR   1988-0…    34 M       Athlete
#>  3 BTNOR12107… BOE     Magnus  BOE M.  NOR   NOR   1998-0…    24 M       Athlete
#>  4 BTFRA10403… BOEUF   Alexis  BOEUF   FRA   FRA   1986-0…    36 M       Not ac…
#>  5 BTGER11606… BOEHM   Daniel  BOEHM   GER   GER   1986-0…    36 M       Not ac…
#>  6 BTGER21108… BOEMMEL Anna    BOEMMEL GER   GER   1996-0…    26 W       Not ac…
#>  7 BTNOR11105… BOEDAL  Isak F… BOEDAL  NOR   NOR   1995-0…    27 M       Not ac…
#>  8 BTSUI12006… BOECKLI Claudio BOECKLI SUI   SUI   1984-0…    38 M       Not ac…
#>  9 BTGER10209… BOETTN… Paul    BOETTN… GER   GER   1988-0…    34 M       Not ac…
#> 10 BTGER22702… BOEHLER Stefan… BOEHLER GER   GER   1981-0…    41 W       Offici…
#> # … with 2 more variables: otherFamilyNames <chr>, otherGivenNames <chr>, and
#> #   abbreviated variable names ¹​FamilyName, ²​GivenName, ³​ShortName, ⁴​Birthdate,
#> #   ⁵​GenderId, ⁶​Functions