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Get a list of all cups per season.





Character. Indicating the season by the last two digits of two following years, e.g. "1819" for 2018-2019.


A data.frame. Lists all cups of the queried season.


#> # A tibble: 41 × 10
#>    CupId      Descr…¹ Short…² Level Displ…³ Print…⁴ CatId Seaso…⁵ Disci…⁶ Status
#>    <chr>      <chr>   <chr>   <int>   <int> <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr> 
#>  1 BT2122SWR… Women'… Total …     1       1 https:… SW    2122    TS      FINIS…
#>  2 BT2122SWR… Women'… Sprint…     1       2 https:… SW    2122    SP      FINIS…
#>  3 BT2122SWR… Women'… Pursui…     1       3 https:… SW    2122    PU      FINIS…
#>  4 BT2122SWR… Women'… Indivi…     1       4 https:… SW    2122    IN      FINIS…
#>  5 BT2122SWR… Women'… Mass S…     1       5 https:… SW    2122    MS      FINIS…
#>  6 BT2122SWR… Women'… Relay …     1       6 https:… SW    2122    RL      RUNNI…
#>  7 BT2122SWR… Women'… Nation…     1       7 https:… SW    2122    NC      FINIS…
#>  8 BT2122SWR… Men's … Total …     1      11 https:… SM    2122    TS      FINIS…
#>  9 BT2122SWR… Men's … Sprint…     1      12 https:… SM    2122    SP      FINIS…
#> 10 BT2122SWR… Men's … Pursui…     1      13 https:… SM    2122    PU      FINIS…
#> # … with 31 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​Description,
#> #   ²​ShortDescription, ³​DisplayOrder, ⁴​PrintedReportURI, ⁵​SeasonId,
#> #   ⁶​DisciplineId